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Your graduation from the first-timers club

There’s never really a moment where you move your tassel to the other side and become a know-it-all about your own company or API.

The “curse of knowledge” is a real thing, which I experienced a couple months ago while in line for coffee.

Our family was essentially in quarantine. I let myself out once a week to go support my local coffee shop.

The whole mask thing was pretty new then and being in public was stressful. The line stretched down the sidewalk, everybody six feet apart, waiting to get up to the door where they’d converted to window service.

After about 10 minutes, I was next in line. The barista asked for the order of the guy in front of me. Rather than reciting his drink of choice, he said, “well, what do you have?”

My mouth dropped from behind my mask. I wanted to shout, “SIR, THIS IS A COFFEE SHOP! IT’S NOT THAT HARD!”

But then I realized the giant menu board inside wasn’t visible from the sidewalk. The makeshift window service had been set up for regulars, not people like the guy in front of me. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

What “facepalm moments” are you missing with your developer experience? How can you put yourself in the mindset of someone visiting for the first time?

If you can’t see with fresh eyes, just contact the EveryDeveloper team. Happy to see if we can help!

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