My friend Mike goes to some amazing weddings.
One was surrounded by vineyards at a villa owned by a Very Famous Person (VFP).
That VFP was in attendance (!)
And gave a toast (!!)
Yes, and you guessed it, didn’t mention the bride or groom or even the wedding once.
Instead, the VFP welcomed everyone to THEIR villa. They mentioned THEIR vineyards. And they talked about THEIR amazing wine, which presumably the guests were drinking.
But remember why they were all there?
At a wedding to celebrate two newlyweds, surrounded by close family and friends.
And one clueless VFP.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States. Hopefully, we can all pay attention to the loved ones around us and think about those who can’t be with us.
And when you return to the office…
Remember that developers deserve your attention. Don’t let your marketing forget them like the VFP did the married couple.
You can start by reminding yourself what makes devs unresponsive to traditional marketing tactics. Then aim to bake trust into every interaction you have with them.
If you ever want confirmation you’re on the right track, you know where to find me.