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Your instructions from Amenemhat

A French soldier’s discovery was the key to understanding more about an enigmatic society.

It unlocked 4,000-year-old advice that can help you better understand your technical audience—and your responsibility to them.

In 1799, during Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt, a soldier found a rock that was far from ordinary.

After inspection, it was found to contain a decree issued in 196 BCE.

The decree was written in three scripts: Greek, hieroglyphics, and Demotic (a cursive script used by the Egyptians).

Because scholars could already read Greek, they were able to translate the meaning of the other scripts. That rock is now known as the Rosetta Stone and sits in the British Museum.

Many other artifacts with the previously-unknown languages could be translated, thanks to the Rosetta Stone.

Among them, the “Instructions of Amenemhat,” offers advice from the pharaoh to his son and successor. Scholars believe it could be from as far back as 2055 BCE.

Amenemhat emphasizes the importance of truth and justice. He warns against corruption. These were insights into the ancient Egyptian ideals unavailable before the Rosetta Stone.

The “Instructions of Amenemhat” also suggest the importance of listening to advisors and seeking out wisdom from a variety of sources.

I hope EveryDeveloper is one of those sources for you.

While I don’t pretend Technical Content Strategy Decoded is as important a discovery as the Rosetta Stone…

It can help you perform your valuable role of translator.

The technical content you produce connects your audience to your product in an authentic way.

The book shows how the best technical products perform this feat. And supports you to do the same.

Look for an email next week about the release of this new book.

In the meantime, if you’d like to count me and the EveryDeveloper team among your advisors… tell us about your project (preferably not in Greek) and we can chat about it.

Hundreds of marketers like you subscribe to EveryDeveloper Weekly to learn the latest developer engagement lessons, covering content strategy, developer experience, and more.