Ever since launching this site I've received many emails with ideas for other comparisons. With thousands of public APIs there are many ways one could compare APIs. How do I focus in on only the APIs …
Good Defaults Make Good Developer Experience
SDKs or libraries are important elements of a good developer experience. That's why the API comparisons include a run-down of available libraries and why this factors into the DX Index. But how do …
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Great APIs Have One Thing in Common
There are a lot of factors that go into the API comparisons. Some are backed by hard, undeniable fact. Others are more qualitative, but even those are usually based on some heuristic. Yet, when …
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The Humans Behind Every API
Any API that courts developers typically has a whole team of people working to create a great developer experience. In fact, this should be an important factor in choosing an API. If there are no …
Big Company API vs Startup API
There are a lot of factors you could consider when comparing APIs. Obviously, this site exists to explore many of the elements to evaluate. A common place I see people trip up is either blindly …
Is User Login a Gateway to Many Industries?
This week, Janrain announced a new segments feature. It joins a suite of tools surrounding Janrain's core user login feature. Customers are obviously key to a business, so it makes sense there is a …
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