Imagine a room full of developers, ready to hear your conference talk. How many are in the audience—50? 100? 500? As awesome as web development is, there’s a natural cap to who can hear your message …
Developer Marketing for API Companies
Originally published on Nordic APIs' blog More than 10 years ago, Stripe and Twilio became prime examples of a new type of company: developer-focused startups where the API is the product. Many …
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Not Every Developer Tool Needs the Same Developer Marketing
One of the first things I do each day is open Todoist on my phone or laptop. It's an app that holds my task list, helps me set priorities, and tracks my productivity. There's also a Todoist API, which …
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Developer Experience at 10 Years
As long as developers have been interacting with tools, there's been a "developer experience." And it was usually bad, because writing software is expected to be hard. There was not a widespread …
Use Templates to Create More Developer Content
When Amazon Web Services (AWS) sent an email with their blank template—nothing filled in—the Internet laughed. I took notes. The AWS email included a placeholder image and an inline writing …
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What Comes After Hello World?
We bought a fancy new can opener, the kind with the squishy handle. When I first held it in my hand, it felt immediately comfortable. The only problem was I couldn't figure out how to open a …